Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Rule Book

I know I am having a very philosophical week, but bear with me.

So since I have registered into Realisation 101; I have become aware of the fact that some person drew up a rule book. And this rule book stated how soon to be married people, should do things.

Let's use the the Honeymoon planning as exhibit A.

The rules state that they guy has to do all the planning and and pay for the entire trip.

I am all for the paying part. You just sold yourself into a mordern version of slavery anyway!

Ok, its really not that bad, but you will be picking up his crap from the floor, cooking, picking up knocked over bottles in the shower, closing the toothpaste, and of course hearing him fart.

I have no illusions about marriage, but if I am going to put up with anyone's bad habits, I would choose the evolved monkey I am marrying.

At least he tries to clean up and will chop the veggies or lay the table. And he is so cute! Which means I can forgive him for his faults.

Anyway, I am a PMS MONSTER!!!! And I cry.....ALOT......

I also have the attention span of a goldfish

Back to my point about the honeymoon......

The planning is a very important part. And we decided to break the rules and plan ours together. And you know what? It is alot of fun! We both getting what we want. There will be no guessing games and no disappointments.

The bestest part though is the bonding. It is our first overseas holiday together, and we a team, we share everything, even this.

I just think that every couple should do what makes them happy and what sits comfortably with them.

I mean who wrote a rule book?????? Who decided how things should be done?

People say its tradition and its romantic.

Well I don't like tradition....

And what if my version of romantic is different to yours?

There is so much expectation in society because there are all these rules written. Like what age you should get married and when you should have kids, and how to raise them.

I think we all entitled to do as we please and frankly who the hell are "they" anyway?

They sound like a bunch of know it all twats.

The best way to enjoy life is to live it by your rules. Because your experience is yours and it is very private and intimate, and no one can really see the world as you do.

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