Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Alien Invasion

So apparently the Indian community has a way to go in the evolution of broader thinking.

There is a new question that my mother gets asked recently:

Is your daughter going to work after she gets married?

My mum usually looks at them strangely and replies: yeeesss……

I am unsure what this is all about, but my assumptions are
1. Careers are something that you do to keep busy while looking for a husband
2. Careers are a good way to find a husband
3. Marriage is a career change
4. When married your career is no longer important

It really makes me soooo angry. Like so angry I want to shake them and ask them if they are aware of what century we live in

I hate that people don’t take my career or me seriously. I know that whether we buy a house or a car or anything, they will congratulate the guy on it. It is unfair because the working wife played a role in getting it.

I really want to go back to hiding under my rock, being that girl that they use to pity because I didn’t have a husband and kids. They could keep their stretchmarks thank you!

Now they trying to make me one of them! Like an creepy alien movie where they take over your mind!

I would rather saw off my left arm with a plastic teaspoon than become some complacent female.

Girl Power all the way! Till I croak actually!

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