The way it works in Muslim Culture is that once a guy has an intention of marrying a girl, his family has to call her family and ask for her hand in marriage.
My Fiancé and I decided that we wanted to do things traditionally, because it would bring our family much joy. And I just found it all terribly romantic.
So after he asked me to marry him. Ok that’s a lie. We were hanging out and he said: "If I could marry you now, I would", and I said: "Ok, let's do it"
There was no ring and one knee scenario, but it felt all so perfect. So sincere and uncomplicated. Kind of a testament to our relationship. We have a very relaxed way of relating to each other. Its not dramatic, its just easy going and natural.
Anyway, once we both decided to get married, he went home and told his mum that she needs to make the call to mum to come over for a proposal.
I told my parents that they could expect the call. Our families were obviously extremely happy. We thankfully do not have any family issues. His parents like me and my parents like him.
At this point, I knew that we were lucky, we had a great base for a happy marriage because we have everyone's blessings.
It was a Monday when the phone call happened. My Fiancé sms'd me to say that my mum could expect the call. I was sitting on the couch next to my dad when my mum chatted on the phone to his mum. And I Remember it being extremely bitter sweet. The date was set for that Friday evening for them to come for my hand.
And that was the moment it started.
Enter Family Politics.
Tradition dictates that your grandparents, parents and siblings should be present.
I only have one grandmother left on the planet. My dad's mother. My other grandparents have already left us.
So this means that my parents had to ask their oldest brother. Both my parents only had one brother, so they each asked them to attend. In view of my mother not having her mother around, she asked her oldest sister. So to even the score, my dad asked his oldest sister.
It was all so complicated.
I mean, suddenly you have to have all this diplomacy. Other family members were slightly upset that they were not asked. And the wives of the brothers were not invited so that was a sore subject.
I was trying to figure out why it mattered so much to people to be involved in this?
Friday arrived and I was all made up in a beautiful baby pink and baby blue Panjabi (Indian Dress and pants…Skinny pants of course). It even had sparkly beads on it. I have never shone - literally - in my entire life. I am more a simple elegant type. But I felt like an Indian Bride, and it was pretty cool.
That’s when the freaking out started. I was like: "Oh my God! I am getting married! What if I am making the wrong choice!" etc etc
Eventually I calmed down, and went out to see what everyone was doing.
I was told that by my aunt to sit in my room until I was called. I was like: "Why????"
We already knew each other! It wasn't like it was some weird arranged marriage.
It was made clear to just do as I was told, so I admitted defeat and went to ponder in my room why I had to wait.
On cue, my cellphone rings and its my future husband. I answer and he says: "Babe, I am outside". So I reply, "That’s nice, I was told I cat leave my room, so someone will come get you". He responds by laughing at me and saying "Someone made you do something!".
I hate being told what to do.
Everyone arrives and is introduces and then I am accompanied to the lounge to be introduced to his entourage.
We are then seated separately. Men seated in the dining room. Ladies seated in the lounge.
This was starting to feel like the twilight zone.
Every time I wanted to pull a funny face, I just thought of my pretty hair comb and that made me smile!
So they all talk about pointless stuff. Like whose son is marrying who and which kid went off to university. And which old people are sick or who gave birth. blah blah blah. It was so boring, I almost fell asleep.
Within 5 minutes of being seated on the couch, I had decided this was not an audience that would appreciate my wit and intellect. So I stayed silent, and observed.
My mother and I kept glancing at each other, with that silent language mothers and daughters have. We were both thinking: "These people are so....mundane"
I was asked what I do. I said I work in TV production. I got some blank stares and then asked "Do you work for SABC?"
I replied and explained that I worked for independent production companies and covered all the different broadcasters at some point.
More blanks stares and a drawn out reply of "Oh, I see"
You have to understand, there are very few awe inspiring careers in the Indian community namely:
1 - Doctor (Also includes Dentists, Optometrists, Physiotherapists and speech therapists)
2 - Lawyer
3 - Accountant (As well as anything finance or business related)
4 - Teacher
5 - IT (All areas) which is a recent addition to the list
Forgive me if I forgot something, but let’s just say that Film Makers do not feature. And neither does anything in the Arts with the exception of maybe Journalists.
My Fiancé looked as baffled as me through all of this. He kept signaling to me across the great divide. The plus side is that we have now developed our own version of sign language.
Eventually I had enough, and had to escape for a few minutes, so I said I needed water and would get it myself.
My brother caught me on the way to the kitchen and laughing himself silly told me while I was sitting on the couch, I looked like I was on the menu.
And you know what? That’s how I felt. Like I was on display. What a bizarre experience.
Eventually they all ate their pies, samoosa’s and other fried stuff, followed by cake and teas.
I attempted commenting on a current issue only to get more blank stares. Gave up completely and drank my mango juice, which was really delicious.
So the talking happened and they decided we would have an engagement and my parents would come back with a date.
My mum suggested some photo’s be taken and we finally got to sit next to each other. Everyone took a pic with us and now that we were allowed to be together we chatted about how it weird it all was.
He also told me that he never imagined me wearing something so shiny.
Then his family left
My family argued lightly about a date for the engagement, and then everyone went home.
We both changed our Facebook status to being in a relationship with each other that night. I was not into changing my relationship Status every time I got involved with a new guy. So it had been blank till then.
That was cool moment for me. A commitment. To say, he is my man!
When falling asleep that night, I felt like I was Alice sliding down the rabbit hole
why did you delete your new blog? it was very interesting.